Kinderdagverblijf De Girafant

Nieuwe Kerkhofdreef 2
3001 Heverlee
016 24 81 24
Income-related price
Outdoor play area
Special needs possible

In child care centre de Girafant children can get a place from the age of six weeks. We have two age groups: a baby group (6 weeks - ca. 15 months) and a toddler group (15 months - school age). Children with specific needs for care are also welcome on the condition that they can be integrated in one of the age groups. The child care centres have a professional and motivated team which guarantees quality child care in an optimal pedagogic climate:

  • where there is attention and respect for each child and his parents
  • where each child gets stimulated in his total development
  • where there is space for each child to discover and explore
  • where we make sure each child feels well and gets involved
  • where it´s important to have an open dialogue with parents
  • where education problems can be discussed and where we can look for solutions together

The child care centres are accredited and subsidised by Kind en Gezin. The rates are calculated on the common taxable income of the parents.


De Girafant is easily accessible both by car and public transport. The childcare center has its own parking and a bicycle garage

Public Transport(bus): Leuven Parkpoort: 4, 5, 6, 307, 318, 555, 558, 597, 600, 616, 630

By car: Girafant childcare center is located along the ring of Leuven, the Philipssite, between the E. Ruelensvest and Geldenaaksevest

Allocation policy

If you registered timely for our waiting list, you will receive an answer after three months of pregnancy at the earliest. If you register after three months of pregnancy, you will have to wait for an answer for one month at the most. We have two types of allocation:

  • the regular allocations (long term planning) happen based on the probable birth month. We then give priority to brothers and sisters and to staff members of the municipal group care. The remaining places will be assigned chronologically by following the order of application;
  • the allocations in the short term (emergency planning). Here, we give priority to brothers/sisters and to parents that are looking for childcare because they’re looking for a job, in order to keep their job, or because they’re following a course related to this job. We also give priority to the priority groups that are determined by Kind en Gezin.

You can find more details in our internal rules.

Special needs possible
Ook kinderen met een specifieke zorgbehoefte zijn welkom in onze kinderdagverblijven. Inclusieve kinderopvang is immers opvang voor alle kinderen. Kinderen met grotere zorgnoden komen naar dezelfde opvang als kinderen zonder deze extra behoeften. Kinderopvang Zorg Leuven beschikt over een aantal structurele inclusieplaatsen en daarmee maken we deel uit van het Leuvense netwerk inclusieve kinderopvang. Wat bieden we? Opvang op maat, de mogelijkheid tot regelmatig overleg, een stimulerende omgeving met oog voor de behoeften en het tempo van het kind, actieve betrokkenheid van ouders en samenwerking met het netwerk van het kind. We werken samen met het Centrum Inclusieve Kinderopvang (CIK) en kunnen van daaruit beroep doen op een netwerk van professionals (kinesisten, verpleegkundigen, thuisbegeleidingsdiensten,..). De inclusiecoach van het CIK neemt contact op met het gezin en we bekijken samen hoe we kunnen ingaan op de vraag. Onze kinderbegeleiders, onthaalouders en pedagogisch teamleiders worden gecoacht en ondersteund door het CIK.
Opening hours


From Untill
Monday 06:30 19:00
Tuesday 06:30 19:00
Wednesday 06:30 19:00
Thursday 06:30 19:00
Friday 06:30 19:00
Saturday Gesloten
Sunday Gesloten
Other daycares